The Power of Energy Work and Quantum Healing

Energy work is a healing technique rooted in the beliefs of ancient forms of medicine like Ayurveda and traditional eastern medicine in which a practitioner channels healing energy to support the recipient's body and mind. This is meant to restore energy balance and improve health.

Energy work can be described as dramatic shifts in healing happening and noticeable by the recipient and the energy worker. We are all energy, everything is energy. Energy work is manipulating those energies to create healing and wellness. Energy workers combine acquired knowledge and intuitive understanding of body energies in various modalities.

Where does the idea of energy healing come from?

The practice of energy healing has been around for centuries in cultures all over the world and has recently been growing substantially in the U.S. Advocates for energy healing believe it comes with numerous health benefits, including reduced pain, improved depression and anxiety symptoms, and an overall sense of well-being. There are many cases where a full healing can happen as well. 

What types of energy work are available?

There are many types of energy healing, including spiritual healing, quantum healing, contact healing, distance healing, Pranic Healing, therapeutic touch, Reiki, and Qigong among others. 

What is QHHT®?

QHHT® is a powerful tool created by Delores Cannon, which helps us to access that all knowing part of ourselves that has been called The Higher Self. When we incarnate on Earth we forget our previous lives and connection to our souls and The Source. QHHT® enables all people from any background, culture, religion or belief system to engage with what Delores called The Subconscious (Higher Self), since it resides beyond the conscious mind.

Dolores’s term The Subconscious, which she later abbreviated to The SC, is that greater part of ourselves that is always connected to The Source, or God, and has unlimited knowledge and an unlimited ability to heal the physical body. Sometimes mental and physical ailments are rooted in trauma from past lives; sometimes they are connected to lessons being learned in a person’s present life. The SC reveals the cause and will assist according to any soul’s particular lessons.

Why happens in a QHHT® Session?

QHHT® is a unique and deeply personal exploration of your soul. 

As you dive into the realms of yourself, you unveil insights and wisdom that remain hidden in your everyday consciousness, gaining a deeper understanding of yourself, your experiences, and your life’s purpose. You may experience profound healing from the inside out as we navigate through the layers of your consciousness, bringing forth previous lives picked by your Higher Self to show you what you need to know. You may be able to release emotional blockages, traumas, and limiting beliefs, paving the way for a more fulfilling life.

The guidance of your Higher Self can give you direction and answers you always wanted to know. You can receive personalized guidance to help you to overcome challenges in this life. It may change your entire life, if you are open and willing to listen. 

Ready to book your session?

You can book your private QHHT session with Genean by going to https://happysoulhealing.com 



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